Featured Company of the Month

Come join Equinimity on a heart-opening healing journey!

TaxLAB Strategies has been acting in the capacity as outside accountant and trusted advisor for more than a year for Equinimity. Equinimity is an innovative non-profit organization based in Tucson, Arizona and offering trauma-informed personal growth and development services to a wide range of individuals. They offer supportive, integrative experiences for adults, teens, and children who have faced challenges such as stress, trauma, or loss. They work with individuals, families, and small groups to promote healing and growth. Equinimity operates on the belief that recognizing the interconnectedness of all life and embracing our creative self leads to a sense of wholeness. It can be a place where people can find belonging and re-connect to the worth and truth of themselves through healthy secure-base attachments with people, nature, art, and rhythm. The team started this non-profit organization to offer they’re to the widest possible span of communities especially to those who don’t have access to such experiences and offerings.

At the heart of early relational childhood trauma is the wound of not being seen, not feeling a sense of worth, not realizing a sense of belonging. This can happen through neglect, abuse, displacement due to disaster, medical trauma, long separations from family/community systems, intergenerational trauma, and systemic oppression.

We believe that we all grow together in safe spaces and supportive environments. Equinimity is a safe place to be. A safe place to feel connected to, to be seen, to be open, to be expressive, to integrate adverse experiences, to explore, process and share grief, loss, and joy.

They provide a diverse range of services including individual and group sessions offered both online and in person, an intensive seven-module program that integrates natural horsemanship with somatic experiencing, an online intensive seven-module program that incorporates key principles from somatic therapies, and ongoing monthly drop-in classes online. Additionally, they offer additional support through the use of essential oils, Bach flower remedies, and red-light therapy. Equinimity supports people in finding their way back home to themselves, through nature, somatic practices of trauma healing, creative expression, and experientials.

Equinimity supports people in connecting with their innate equanimity. If you’d like to enquire about their programs and services, donating or sponsoring a horse, please visit their site: https://www.equinimitytucson.com/contact.html or email directly at: equinimitytucson@gmail.com

Your donations will be allocated to urgent needs like general care and supplies for our horses, as well as supporting sliding scale services for our community and ensuring fair compensation for practitioners. Alternatively, you can choose to donate specifically to support a horse like Ralph, covering his dietary, hoof, and practical needs.

Lynne is wonderful! She is competent, responsive, timely, and proactive. She is trustworthy and thorough. She sees the overall picture and direction of our company and we can genuinely hand things over to her without having to oversee or double check.

- Barbara Collier, Founder of Equinimity